Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Animals must not matter

Everyone says they want a peaceful world. Few are ready to act to bring it about and of those who are, few link peace with food choices. Even amongst the most educated very few believe animal rights will start the ball rolling towards the end of violence in our world.
To vegans, however, it seems obvious. The only way to bring about lasting peace is to associate many of our life-comforts with human violence, especially when it comes to food. For meat eaters, the brutal killing of animals means animals must not matter and this is not an easy precept to hold down, yet it’s an essential one for the human predators of animals.
Unlike any other predator, whose food supplies are limited, there is abundant choice for humans, but we pretend we have to eat meat and animal products despite knowing instinctively that they’re poisoning us. Further, we engage the double standard of being nice people who are nevertheless too cowardly to kill the animals we eat; we let someone else do the job for us.
Even if this were our only inconsistency, it would weaken us too much to let us save our world, but you’d think if there was the slightest chance to save our world by becoming stronger willed, we’d do it. However, we are too hooked on our foods and lifestyle to change - it seems too great a personal sacrifice and therefore, although we could be a great asset for this planet, we remain its greatest curse. Our unwillingness to sacrifice a few of our comforts and our obstinacy to listen to sense, ties us to the abattoir and dooms us to inevitable self-destruction. All the time animals remain property, all the time we keep the slaughter houses open, there can’t be any peace and humans will have to remain impotent to bring about a sustainable future.

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