Friday, May 2, 2014

Two opposites dancing together


Non-violence seems too passive to effectively eliminate violence.  But perhaps that’s the point – we shouldn’t want to kill off anything at all.  Everything is here with the purpose of teaching us something significant, violence included.  We need to know the meaning of violence and understand why it’s in us, all of us.  Certainly, violence is in the very nature of this planet.  There’s violence within the body, where alongside disease there lives a battle-worn immune system - one attacks, the other defends.  Nature itself shows violence, which helps to build defensive strengths, so in a destructive storm the strongest stalks of wheat bend but don’t break.

We find violence within our own minds too, in the tension between opposite choices.  In the push-me-pull-you of decision-making, we can observe violence creeping in, to suggest the most advantageous way to go. On the other hand, we might become the Holy-Jo and be non-violent for the sake of being righteous.
Perhaps there’s no good or bad here, it’s just non-violence dancing with violence.  But up to this point in history there’s been so much violence that it seems obvious to do something to stop it taking control.  Today, in trying to counter that trend of routine violence, we’d do well to let non-violence take a more active part, to burn out the old violence in the same way that a ‘control burn’ makes a firebreak to prevent a devastating bush fire. By initiating non-violence, we step in, to make a different sort of impact.
At this point in time, after the orgy of violence in the twentieth century, we need to be looking for non-violent solutions, to stop us repeating the mistakes of the past.  We don’t need to resort to quarrelling or going to war to solve problems.  And yet, that’s still the approach of the carnivore who can’t stop attacking animals and eating them to solve the problem of feeding and guaranteeing the supply of food; we keep doing the same things because the alternatives are still largely untested, as in the perception that a plant-based, vegan diet is untested and therefore unsafe.

If non-violence is to become the modus operandi of our new age, we have to learn to walk with it before we run with it.  And in the same way, if you become a vegetarian/vegan you need to practice it a while before expecting to convert others to it.

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