Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Access to information


Having ready access to reliable information changes everything. Vegan information makes for new possibilities. We can ‘Google’ anything, and with practice, we can weed out the sound information from the rubbish. There’s no excuse for ignorance. Decades ago, we would spend all day in the library, scratching around for vital information. Now, it takes no time at all and most information is reliably sourced. There’s a thrill in finding it, a ‘eureka’ feeling. Learning via the Internet has been made possible because imaginative people have set it up for us, the engineers, programmers, web site writers.
In the area of Animal Rights there’s a lot we can usefully learn. Each day another vital gap is filled, on a subject that’s so important. Say we were after information about veganism. We can go to information banks set up by altruistic people who’ve dedicated their time to setting it down, since they know it can be so useful. In the past, there was too little reliable information, and easier for the Animal Industries and their friends to keep information from us. They simply mis-informed. But where once we had information kept from us, now we’re swamped by it! But now at least we have the choice - to take it on board or ignore it.
In the future we’ll ask ourselves how we could have swallowed so much misinformation and why it all went so unchallenged. In the future we won’t be able to recall just how information-starved we were, back then.
But there’s panic in the house. It’s a race against time. Our education has gaps. We’ve been taught virtually nothing about how our body works concerning nutrition. In practical terms, we haven’t been taught how to prepare food or how to be equipped to live without making ourselves ill. Our conscience is vulnerable too because we’ve never learnt about the living conditions of ‘food’ animals or how animal foods are poisonous to our system. Additionally, we’ve only recently learnt about the environmental impact of producing animal foods.
Today's easy access to information equips us with all this potential for finding things out - for designing our own entirely new lifestyle.

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