Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fixing dinner

Animal Rights is the ultimate confrontation. Big issues stirring up big guilt.
So, people are reluctant to discuss it. Surprise, surprise! You can understand why, because there’s nothing to discuss – if animals have rights the abattoirs must close. And meat, milk, eggs and cheese disappear. No surprise that people are reluctant if it means no more goodies. The thought of it is not pleasant.
Plant-based diets seem so radical and, one might presume, difficult. But once the safety of the diet is established there may be nothing stopping us actually ‘going vegan’. And of course, it follows that the more who do the better the variety of products in shops. Thus it all becomes that much easier for people to make the transition from omnivore to herbivore.
All that will not happen until vegan food stops looking like war-time rations, especially these days when food is such a comforter. (And in this highly pressured society we do need a heap of comfortin’). The security blanket is food. And that’s why is has to be attractive, look attractive be attractive to the taste.
It’s not just at the restaurant we have to enjoy our food but at home. And that means every night’s dinner. We have to aim to make it so for others eating our food. Ideally we’re after enthusiasm, contentment and a looking forward to feel about the food we dish up.

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