Monday, February 15, 2010

Do something about it

Perhaps as consumers we are not only brainwashed by misinformation but bedazzled by the abundance of food treasures available - steaks, rich dairy foods, soft woollen jumpers, elegant leather jackets plus many affordable items too numerous to mention. So attractive is this Aladdin’s cave that we can’t pass up the products, co-products and by-products of animal origin just “on a point of principle”. So the horror continues.
Laying aside our mea culpas and trying to be quite dispassionate about it all – what exactly is going on in the human mind? Yes, we see the wrong of it all and no, we don’t want to see it. We know something has to change but let it not have to start with ‘me’. In the true spirit of ‘repair’ we don’t want to start the ball rolling. Our ‘vehicle’ is lying in a ditch, broken down, and obviously it isn’t going to repair itself. Obviously it will lie there until WE do something about it.
If something needs to be done for our world we need to start somewhere, to repair our collective conscience-migraine with one pain killer. That might seem like a good idea, in theory. Vegans would say that we merely have to address the central tenet - that animals have been very badly done by - particularly farm animals. It reflects the human speciesist attitude and our own individual involvement is crippling the collective conscience. Alongside the destruction of our physical world lies a parallel world of damaged ethical standards. To address that we’ve developed a conscience-driven immune system that warns us if we ignore it. The less we take notice the weaker our immunity becomes until our central safety core is so badly damaged that we are out of control.

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