Monday, October 12, 2009


You take any man or woman on the street and ask them if they know what factory farming is. They will squirm and struggle and pretend not to know. But of course we don’t go up to people on the street and ask them this sort of question, so there’s very little squirming going on. But privately, some ugly decisions are being made, that affect others. When we feast on animals it’s always linked with unresolved questions. The after taste is associated with mistakes and ‘false intelligence’, mistakes which are costing us dearly, moneywise, health-wise, ethics-wise, and always we are still profiting the producers. Our health is being damaged by dangerous chemicals in animal feed, our ethics damaged by what is done to get this so called food to us and that’s before we count the cost of buying it. By taking part in all this, by consuming dubious products we take a part in humanity’s most regrettable mistake.
As an example, take the egg sitting on the breakfast plate? The egg is the first thing we see in the morning. To not care where this egg came from is the problem here. This is NOT what people want to know. It’s where most people turn off, obviously, because it points the finger straight to their own plate.
The egg is biologically forced from a hen in a cage. The steak we eat is likely to be from a castrated bullock. Our animal food has to involve mutilation of the animals whilst alive and always the same murderous process on their last day. No death no meat (or animal products). We hire assassins to do the murdering for us. It’s not their cutting blade but our cutlery that really does the killing: the animal dies because we order the killing of it … and as justice would have it, we die from our animal food diet because we kill it.

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